Davi Cristiano Ronaldo, son of Luva de Pedreiro and Tavila Gomes, is born


Davi Cristiano Ronaldo, son of Luva de Pedreiro and Tavila Gomes, is bornPhoto: Reproduction / Instagram Luva de Pedreiro

The son of influencer Iran Ferreira, known as Luva de Pedreiro, was born last Tuesday (05), in Pernambuco. The news was announced by the influencer himself on his social networks. The child’s name? Davi Cristiano Ronaldo.

According to columnist Leio Dias, Tavila Gomes, the child’s mother, gave birth by caesarean section at the Santa Joana Maternity Hospital in Recife. Although they ended their relationship at the end of 2023, Luva de Pedreiro accompanied the birth and even complied with the tradition of cutting the umbilical cord.

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– The happiest moment of our lives, our greatest gift has arrived, welcome Davi Cristiano Ronaldo! – wrote the influencer.

The child’s name has been the subject of controversy throughout the administration. Initially, Iran said that his son would be called Cristiano Ronaldo da Gama Laurino Santana. At the end of the pregnancy, Távila decided to change the name, saying that it would be Davi.

The relationship between Luva and Tavila was lightning: the couple revealed that they were together in April 2023. A few months later, in August, they became pregnant. And in December, the end of the relationship. Despite this, it seems that the two wills have been reconciled.

Exactly one month ago, Luva de Pedreiro was at the Vatican, met Pope Francis and presented the Supreme Pontiff with a Brazilian national team shirt.

On that occasion, Luva took the opportunity to try to clarify Francis’ opinion on a major controversy in soccer: who is better, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?


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