Isis Valverde bleaches her eyebrows. Expert explains


Isis Valverde bleaches her eyebrows. Expert explains the procedureReproduction/Instagram

Recently, actress Isis Valverde shared on social media that she was bleaching her eyebrows. The technique has also been adopted by the likes of Kim Kardashian and Kristen Stewart. On social media, we can easily find different tutorials on how to do the procedure, but is it safe? We spoke to Raphaella Bahia, an eyebrow specialist and micropigmenter at FR Microcenter, who comments on the technique.

“For those who have sensitive skin or are very allergic, it’s best to discard this technique. After all, one of the main dangers of bleaching the area is the allergic reactions that can be caused by the bleaching product. It’s worth noting that the allergic process can arise even in people who have no problem bleaching their hair, for example. This can vary according to the area applied,” explains the eyebrow specialist.

For those who still want to have the procedure, it is advisable to carry out a test before the overall bleaching. “Just as hairdressers do with hair, we recommend that the person first does a test by applying the bleaching product to a (small) area of the face that is less sensitive and observes whether there will be any kind of reaction. In addition, it’s best to seek out a professional to carry out this type of procedure,” says Raphaella.

According to the micropigmentation specialist, in addition to itching and redness, bleaching can cause even more serious problems. “Hair loss is possible. This varies according to each person and the degree of damage. In cases of accentuated loss of eyebrow hairs, we can reverse it with micropigmentation, where we reproduce the design of the eyebrow, strand by strand, to achieve a natural effect and ensure that the region is filled in, but the ideal is for the person to avoid this type of procedure so that it doesn’t get to the point where micropigmentation is necessary to reverse this condition,” concludes micropigmentation specialist Raphaella Bahia.

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