In recent years, we have demystified the way we view the hair on our bodies. But, when there is excessive hair growth on female bodies, One may be facing a condition called “hirsutism,” a disorder that not only challenges social norms but signals possible imbalances that require medical follow-up.
According to Luciana Mela Umeda, endocrinologist and professor of Medicine at the City University of São Paulo (UNICID), the main symptoms related to this condition are increased hair on the back, face, upper lip, chin, around the nipples, buttocks and abdomen. Generally, the hairs are abundant and thick, which can cause embarrassment and discomfort.
“There are several causes of hirsutism, among the most common we can mention genetic factors, which are linked to some specific ethnic groups such as Mediterranean, Hispanic, people from South Asia or the Middle East; in addition to the use of medications containing corticosteroids and anabolic steroids; and hormonal changes such as polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, insulin resistance, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing’s Syndrome and some androgen-producing tumors,” says the doctor.
Recognizing the diversity of the causes of hirsutism, the approach to its treatment requires a holistic and individualized understanding of each case. If the patient shows signs of obesity, it is necessary to focus on weight loss and lifestyle changes. If you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the focus is on weight loss and the use of medications that improve insulin resistance and stimulate ovulation.
“PCOS is a very prevalent pathology. We know that 70 to 80% of women with PCOS have hirsutism. They may have difficulty getting pregnant due to difficulty ovulating, insulin resistance, and increased androgens. Therefore, there may be a strong correlation between hirsutism and infertility, and early treatment can reverse this finding,” says Luciana.
In addition to the factors already mentioned, there are still others: tumor causes, in which it is necessary to detect the site of the tumor; by medications, and then the best thing to do is to suspend them, if possible; and in cases of genetic origin, The use of hair removal, electrolysis or laser treatment is indicated.
If some of the symptoms are identified, the endocrinologist recommends seeking a specialist doctor to carry out a treatment, since, when left untreated, hirsutism can affect mental health bringing emotional stress, depression and anxiety. In addition, when it is caused by an excess of androgens (male hormones), women may have difficulty getting pregnant (infertility), deep voice, decreased breast size, increased muscles and clitorises, as well as acne.
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