‘I want to forgive,’ says priest wounded in armed attack by mother and son


Father José Roberto was shot during an armed attack by a mother and son in MTReproduction

Father José Roberto, who was shot during the armed attack of a mother and son in the interior of Mato Grosso, gave details about the crime in an interview with TV Globo’s ‘Encontro’ program.

José Roberto had been invited to have lunch with his family at the get-together at the residence in Peixoto de Azevedo, 692 km from Cuiabá. They were playing cards when cattle rancher Ines Gemilaki, 48, and her son, doctor Bruno Gemilaki Dal Poz, 28, broke into the house and started shooting at those present.

“Around 3 p.m., we started a match and, in the second round of the game, I heard the bangs, Bruno shooting and screaming that it was revenge for Inês,” he said.

The priest ended up being wounded in the hand and had to undergo surgery, which was successful.

In addition to the shock of being shot, the priest lost one of his friends – 81-year-old Rui Luiz Bogo – in the attack. He stated in the interview that, although he is physically well, he is very emotionally shaken.” Losing a friend like Mr. Rui Bogo, in such a tragic way, shakes us a lot,” he said.

According to José Roberto, one of the dead victims was lying next to him. “That gentleman she shoots, Pilson, he’s the father-in-law of the owner of the house. He fell next to me, his blood dripped down and soaked my shirt.”

“The scenes come stronger and stronger in our minds,” the priest said. Even shaken, he stressed that he forgives the mother and son involved in the crime. “I want to forgive both Inês and her son Bruno because sin blinds people. (…) And in this period of imprisonment, because forgiveness is one thing, it is another thing to pay, may this time serve for them to be converted.”

‘She even hugged him days before’, says José Roberto about Ines and Rui

José Roberto also spoke a little about the relationship between Ines and Rui. According to him, the two were long-time acquaintances and Rui even helped Inês when she lost her first husband.

In addition, the priest stated that he learned, from a source he did not specify, that Ines and Rui were together 4 days before the crime.

“I got in touch with a person, who told me that, last Wednesday, she [Ines] was at the accounting office where Mr. Rui was filing his income tax return and hugged him when he left. She had known Mr. Rui for more than 25 years,” he said.

Mother and son who killed elderly people in MT were arrested on Tuesday (23)

Inês and Bruno Gemilaki were arrested on Tuesday (23), after surrendering to the Civil Police.

Mother and son, identified as the perpetrators of the double homicide, already had preventive arrest warrants issued by the Justice after representation made by the delegate responsible for the investigations, Anna Paula Marien.

The arrests took place after the family’s lawyer contacted the Civil Police team to communicate her clients’ intention to deliver and request accompaniment to the farm, where they were hiding.

The other two involved in the crime, Márcio Ferreira Gonçalves (Inês husband and Bruno’s stepfather) and his brother Eder Gonçalves Rodrigues, were also arrested on Tuesday morning (23), at a residence in the municipality of Alta Floresta.

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