Former Mister Universe shows physical shape at the age of 77 and impresses


Former Mister Universe, Robby Robinson shows physical shape at the age of 77 and impressesReproduction / Instagram

Former bodybuilder Robby Robinson, who was Mister Universe champion in 1981, has been drawing attention on social media by showing off his excellent physical shape at the age of 77.

Considered a legend of the “Golden Age” of bodybuilding, the American has won several titles of expression. In addition to Mister Universe, Robinson also took the trophies for Mister World, Mister America, among others. On account of his great performances, he earned the nickname “The Black Prince”.

Robby Robinson retired from competition in 2001, however, he never abandoned his physical discipline. The American still boasts an enviable form, which earns him a lot of praise on the networks.

Last week, the former bodybuilder made a post on his Instagram profile to show off his well-defined muscles, and took the opportunity to leave a message of encouragement to his followers.

“Don’t dwell on the past, don’t dream about the future, focus your mind on the present moment… Focus all your thoughts on the job at hand… Be grateful for what you have; you’ll end up with more,” Robinson wrote.

In a recent statement, Robby Robinson gave the “recipe” for staying in shape at age 77: “I love the mind-muscle connection, which you can really do. The body can be created in this way. I started doing this when I was a kid, imagination. Imagination is powerful, some people use it in a positive way and others use it in a negative way. I prefer to use it in a positive way, because it works,” the American said on the “Sauna Sessions” podcast.

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