Video: Dad Burns Himself in Explosion During Baby Reveal Shower


The explosion, which hit his neck, nape, head and ear, could have had more serious consequencesReproduction

On Sunday (19), the Figueiredo family experienced a mixture of emotions during theThe revelation of the new member, little Achilles. Dayane, who was five months pregnant, and Carlos Henrique decided that the revelation of the sex of their fourth child would be special and different.

All the organization of the event was in charge of Isabela, the couple’s eldest daughter, who planned a creative celebration with smoke and colored paper.

According to G1, the party took place at the home of a family friend and brought together about 15 guests, including friends and family. Everyone eagerly awaited the moment when the colored smoke would reveal the baby’s gender. However, what was supposed to be a joyful and exciting revelation turned into a scare.

When it came time for the reveal, blue smoke exploded unexpectedly, causing minor burns to Carlos Henrique, who was standing near the device.

The blast, which hit his neck, nape, head and ear, could have had more serious consequences had it not been for his instinct to protect Dayane, his wife.

“I had minor injuries to my neck. At the time of the explosion, I made the move to get my wife out who was side by side with me. The explosion in the video you could see that it was going to catch her, but I managed to get it out. That’s when the burns on the neck, neck, head and ear happened,” said Carlos.

Despite the scare and burns, he did not need hospital care and was able to treat himself with ointments bought at the pharmacy.

Determined to turn the scare into a learning experience, Dayane and Carlos decided to share the video of the explosion as a warning to other parents.

“It was scary. Those who see the video think that something serious has happened. Despite the huge scare, we were very happy. We are in a great state of anguish to wait for his arrival. I never saw that happen, I had no idea of the danger. We thought it was better to spread the word to help raise awareness, to prevent this from happening to other people,” the mother explained.

With Achilles’ arrival due in September, the family is now focusing on preparing the room and clothes, while the older siblings are counting down the days until they meet the new member of the family.

Watch the video:

During the reveal tea, dad gets burns from the blue smoke that ended up exploding near him.

— VTzeiros (@vtzeiross) May 22, 2024

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