A tragic case movement to Cidade Oeste, Goiás, last Tuesday (4). A five-month-old baby, identified as Isis da Silva Sobrinho, was killed by her family’s dog. According to the delegate in the case, the child’s parents left the girl on the sofa while they shopped – they went to the market to buy alcohol to light the barbecue.
According to the Civil Police, Isis was left with her uncle, who was preparing the house for the barbecue. He then only noticed the dog’s attack when the baby was crying. The child was taken to hospital but succumbed to his injuries and died.
“The grandparents were working, the uncle was in the backyard preparing the place and the parents said they went out to buy alcohol to light the barbecue,” explained police chief Dilamar de Castro, in an interview with g1.
Also according to the investigation, the dog had not eaten for at least a day. “The police reported that there was no food for the dog, which was not eating, possibly because the owners of the house were working,” the police chief continued.
Isis’s grandmother, for her part, stated that the dog is a quiet mutt. According to the woman, who did not want to be identified, the animal had been in the family for five years and had never attacked anyone.
baby’s parents were arrested, but left the payment under bail in the amount of R$ 1,412 (one minimum wage).
“The sheriff on duty charged them with manslaughter, [when there is no intent to kill]. This crime allows the payment of bail due to the typification,” explained Dilamar
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