Gypsy in the brigadeirão case is accused of trying to kill children with poison


Suyany was arrested by police last monthReproduction

Self-declared Roma Suyany Breschak, 27, currently detained as a suspect in the case known as ” brigadeirão”, which resulted in the death of businessman Luiz Marcelo Ormond, 44, in Cabo Frio (RJ), is facing serious charges, including death threats directed at his own children. The information is from the UOL portal.

The case was formally registered in the early hours of May 26, at the 126th Police Station, in Cabo Frio. Three days later, Suyany was detained on suspicion of participating in the businessman’s death, and the children moved in with their father.

Five days after the discovery of the businessman’s body, allegedly the victim of a poisoned brigadeirão, Suyany sent an audio to the mother of her ex-husband, Orlando Ianovich Neto, threatening to poison the children.

Around 7 p.m. on May 25, Doroti Ianovich received the message, in which Suyany, her daughter-in-law, threatened her own children, ages 6 and 9, if Orlando did not return to her. The couple’s relationship, which lasted about 12 years, came to an end last year.

“Go home, for God’s sake, I just asked for poison. I’m going to put poison in my children’s food, I’m giving it to them, I’m doing it. I’m going to take poison, I’m going to give poison to them. Come home now, I love you, for God’s sake. Come back to me,” he said.

Natasha Ianovich, Orlando’s sister, filed a Detailed Term of Occurrence (TCO) against Suyany, known as an influencer and spiritual counselor, under the name of Gypsy Esmeralda. In addition to denouncing the threats, the aunt expressed concern for the safety of her nephews.

The audio sent by Suyany to Doroti was retained by Orlando Ianovich and acquired by UOL. In the recording, the young woman appears to be in despair, speaking rapidly, between screams and nervous tears.

In a statement, the Civil Police said that the case is being investigated and that agents are “taking steps to clarify the fact.” 


Orlando shared with UOL the emotional wear and tear caused by the “terror” to which he has been subjected by his ex-partner. He says Suyany does not accept the couple’s separation, which took place last year, and has since made threats and taken irresponsible actions. He accuses her of attempted kidnapping and, on another occasion, of having stolen his Ranger. Both cases are under police investigation.

 “It’s one thing for her to do these crazy things with us who are adults. But when it comes to children, we don’t believe that a mother is capable of that. But it is. Today I talked to the principal of the school where my children study and found out that the staff already suspected that Suyany mistreated the children. My eldest confirmed. He says he doesn’t want to be with her again. I’m tired of it all,” Orlando said. 

According to him, the boy had already complained to the principal of the private school about the beatings he received from his mother. An audio received by Orlando, attributed to the school’s principal, reports that the boy would have mentioned the aggressions to the teachers and the institution’s psychologist. According to the audio, the child would also be having difficulties with feeding, hygiene, and doing schoolwork. “The issues of feeding and bathing are in the psychologist’s report,” the audio says.

“I am disgusted to hear that my children were beaten by this woman [Suyany]. It’s not me talking, suspicious of what was happening. She is the principal of the school where they study. The audio of her saying that she was going to kill our children by poisoning, and that I took it to the police chief in the bigadeirão case, helped the police in the investigation, the agents told me. What this woman did cannot go unpunished,” laments Orlando. 

Context of the Case of Suyany Breschak Suyany

Breschak was detained in Cabo Frio (RJ) on May 29 on suspicion of collaborating with psychologist Júlia Andrade Cathermol Pimenta in the sale of the assets of the deceased businessman, Luiz Marcelo Antônio Ormond. Authorities are investigating whether the businessman was murdered with a brigadeirão poisoned by Julia, and whether Suyany was the mastermind behind the plan.

Suyany reportedly purchased a vehicle from the businessman as part of the payment. The amount of R$ 600,000 would refer to spiritual services rendered to Julia. In her testimony, Suyany explained that she received the car as part of the deal to reduce the debt. She also provided details about the psychologist’s use of medication to poison the brigadeirão. Suyany’s defense denies any involvement in the crime.

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