G7: Lula defends taxation of the super-rich and summit to end the war


Lula also spoke about technology and inequalityAgência Brasil

In a speech at the G7 summit this Friday (14), in Italy, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) defended the taxation of the super-rich and also proposed a summit to end the war between Russia and Ukraine  While passing through Switzerland yesterday (13), Lula said he would speak in a G7 speech on inequality, Artificial Intelligence and democracy. 

“The G7 is a bit of a complicated meeting, we have a space to talk. The subjects I want to talk about are democracy itself, about artificial intelligence, about inequality. These are the subjects I like to discuss anywhere I go,” Lula told the press. Lula began his speech by talking about technology. He said that Artificial Intelligence presents “opportunities and risks”.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) accentuates this scenario of opportunities, risks and asymmetries. Its benefits should be shared by all. We are interested in safe, transparent and emancipatory AI. That respects human rights, protects personal data and promotes the integrity of information. That enhances the capacities of States to adopt public policies for the environment and that contributes to the energy transition. An AI that also has the face of the Global South, that strengthens cultural and linguistic diversity and that develops the digital economy of our countries. And, above all, AI as a tool for peace, not for war,” said the Brazilian president.


Soon after, Lula spoke about inequality and mentioned that “it is past time for the super-rich to pay their fair contribution in taxes.”

“This excessive concentration of power and income poses a risk to democracy. Many developing countries have already formulated effective policies to eradicate hunger and poverty. Our goal, at the G20, is to mobilize resources to expand them and adapt them to other realities,” said Lula.

“The support of all those present at this meeting for the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, which we will launch at the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, will be fundamental to put an end to this scourge that still haunts humanity,” he added.


to Lula, in Gaza, where the war between Israel and the extremist group Hamas since October 7 last year is taking place, it is possible to see “the legitimate right of defense transformed into the right of revenge.”

“We are faced with the daily violation of humanitarian law, which has victimized thousands of innocent civilians, especially women and children. This has led us to endorse South Africa’s decision to refer the case to the International Court of Justice,” he said.

On Russia and Ukraine, Lula stressed that “Brazil has firmly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It is already clear that neither side will be able to achieve all its objectives by military means.”

The PT candidate then proposes that peace be made possible through an “international conference that is recognized by the parties, along the lines of the proposal of Brazil and China”, referring to peace resolutions presented by the countries in the UN Security Council. 

“The G7, BRICS and G20 bring together the world’s largest economies. The future we share will depend on our ability to overcome historical inequalities and injustices to win the battles that humanity faces today,” concluded the president of Brazil. Want to stay on top of the day’s top news? Click here and join our WhatsApp channel.

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