Video: Man who killed elderly man with flying throws himself on the ground and cries


Man cried during the reenactment of the crimeReproduction X

During the reenactment of the crime in Santos, Tiago Gomes de Souza, suspected of killing a 77-year-old man with a “flyer”, gave in to emotion, crying and kneeling to apologize, while being accompanied by police authorities, his lawyer and the son of the victim, Bruno Cesar Fine Torresi.

The crime occurred when Cesar Fine Torresi was crossing Pirajá da Silva Street, in Santos, holding hands with his 11-year-old grandson. James, driving a car, braked sharply, prompting the old man to rest his hands on the hood. It was then that the driver got out of the vehicle and assaulted him with a kick to the chest.

During the reconstruction, which took place on Thursday (13), three versions of the incident were reproduced: that of Tiago, that of the victim’s grandson and that of a witness, a doctor who provided first aid to Cesar and saw part of what happened.

Tiago claimed to have been seized by a “fit of rage” at the elderly man’s attitude in reprimanding him for driving the car against him and his grandson. He told police he didn’t realize if he had hurt the elderly man when he drove forward with the vehicle and said the victim and his grandson continued to walk after the argument.

“He [Tiago] didn’t even park the car. He just went downstairs, left the key there and went after the man. He says there was an argument. The grandson says no,” said Liliane Lopes Doretto, chief of the city’s 3rd Police District.

For Liliane, the reconstruction served to illustrate the facts and clarify inconsistencies in the testimonies. However, she stressed that the police investigation has not yet been concluded. “I’m waiting for the expert reports. I believe there will still be more witnesses, and I’m hoping there will be some footage,” she added.

Tiago told the police that he suffers from psychological disorders and that, although he is being treated with medication, he suffered a ‘fit of rage’ on the date of the facts.

“He couldn’t control himself and that’s why he acted like that. [He said] that at the time he regretted it and even performed resuscitation maneuvers on the victim,” Liliane said.

According to the police chief in charge of the case, no images have yet been found to record the crime, and only one witness has testified so far. Liliane requested that other people present at the scene come to the police station to assist in the investigations.

She pointed out that although one person tried to prevent the suspect from escaping, other witnesses did not come forward to provide information to the police, which is crucial to clarify the facts.

During the reenactment of the crime, which took place in the presence of dozens of spectators who demanded justice, the delegate described the procedure as “quite tense” due to the seriousness and revolt of what happened. Despite this, she stressed the importance of the work for the inquiry.

Liliane acknowledged the difficulty of maintaining impartiality in the face of popular commotion, but emphasized the corporation’s commitment to impartiality in the conduct of investigations.

Tiago’s defense lawyer, Eugenio Malavasi, said his client reproduced the events according to his statement to the police. Malavasi pointed out that Tiago admitted to the assault and revealed that he uses medication prescribed by a psychiatrist. The defense does not seek impunity, but justice, and will consider a request for house arrest due to the psychiatric problem of Tiago, who is the father of three children.

The victim of the tragic incident was Cesar Fine Torresi, a 77-year-old man. His son, Bruno Cesar Fine Torresi, revealed that his father was divorced and resided in Santo André. It was customary for him to visit his three children and six grandchildren, who live in Santos, Sorocaba and Jundiaí.

According to Bruno, his father was visiting the family over the weekend and planned to take his son to the mall, as was customary. Cesar had a habit of visiting his three children in different cities, taking his grandchildren for fun outings.

The report of the incident, according to the police report, was made by the child to the father, who is the victim’s son. The grandson described that he and his grandfather were crossing Rua Pirajá da Silva, among the stopped cars, when a vehicle advanced towards him. After braking sharply, the elderly man leaned on the hood of the car without causing damage. When they finished crossing, the driver approached them on foot and assaulted the elderly man with a “voadora”, a kick in the chest.

The police were called to the scene, where they found the elderly man being attended to by Samu. He was taken to the UPA East Zone, where, unfortunately, he did not resist his injuries.

The suspect, Tiago Gomes de Souza, had his arrest converted from flagrante to preventive after a custody hearing. His defense intends to request a habeas corpus for his freedom, alleging the absence of grounds for the arrest. However, the request for a writ of habeas corpus was denied by Judge Hugo Maranzano, of the 3rd Chamber of Criminal Law of the TJSP.


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