Raphinha reports that Ronaldinho has asked for tickets to see the national team


Raphinha says he doesn’t believe R10 has spoken seriously when he considers this one of the worst teams in recent yearsReproduction / Youtube CBFTV

The criticism that Ronaldinho Gaúcho made to the Brazilian national team, had repercussions among the players. Raphinha, Barcelona striker, when participating in a press conference this Saturday, spoke about the former player’s statements and revealed that the athlete asked for tickets for the tournament.

Raphinha, who has always considered Ronaldinho as an idol, and has a relationship with the former athlete, said that the entire squad of the national team was taken by surprise by the statement and that they disagree with the statement that the national team lacks grit.

“In fact, it was a surprise not only for me, but for the whole group. I believe that you must know more than I do, he never gave such a statement, on the contrary, he always showed support for the national team. It ended up surprising a lot of people. I consider him as an idol, a reference, everyone who is in the national team, not only the players but everyone who works here sees him as a reference. It was a blow to us. Obviously, we don’t agree, I don’t agree, I’m going into the third year and I see commitment, will, pride in wearing the shirt, I don’t agree with what was said, of not seeing grit, will, of having average players wearing the national team’s shirt. I completely disagree, everyone has quality, merit”, declared the number 11 of the national team.

In the statements, Ronaldinho stated that he would leave the national team and will not attend the Copa America matches, although, according to the Barcelona player, Ronaldinho had asked for tickets for a national team match.

“It may be an (advertising) campaign or not, but it surprised us by his speech, we ended up knowing from Vini that he ended up asking for tickets these days to see our game, it doesn’t match what was said. It’s a surprise to hear that coming from him, but I don’t agree, being inside I see the delivery every day,” he added.

In a post on the social network this Saturday, Ronaldinho Gaúcho made strong criticisms of the national team players, saying that the shirt lacks love:

“That’s it guys, for me it’s enough. This is a sad moment for those who like Brazilian football. It’s hard to find the courage to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, it has no respectable leaders, only average players for the most part. I’ve been following football since I was a little kid, long before I thought about becoming a player, and I’ve never seen a situation as bad as this. There is a lack of love for the shirt, a lack of grit and most important of all: football.”

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