Boxer killed three months ago is punished by anti-doping agency; Understand


Boxer Moises Calleros died in March of this yearReproduction

The United Kingdom Anti-Doping Agency announced, last Monday (24), a punishment for boxer Moises Calleros. The agency suspended the Mexican for four years and three months due to cocaine use. The entity, however, was not aware of a fundamental piece of information: the athlete died just over three months ago.

Moises Calleros was caught in a drug test in April last year after fighting Galal Yafai in London. After investigating the case for more than a year, the UK Anti-Doping Agency decided to punish him. Upon learning of the boxer’s death, the agency issued a note to clarify the case.

“The UK Anti-Doping Agency today received information about the death of Mexican professional boxer Moises Calleros. The agency received this information shortly after publishing details of the outcome of a case concerning Mr Calleros under UK anti-doping rules.

Unfortunately, the agency had no information about the sad passing of Mr. Calleros at the time of publication, and has now removed all details of this case from its channels,” the agency said in a statement.

The Mexican athlete was found dead in his home in early March. The death of Moises Calleros was reportedly caused by a heart attack.

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