Court orders Ayrton Senna’s ex-girlfriend to pay amount to journalist; see figures

Adriane Yamin’s registration with Ayrton SennaPhoto: Reproduction

The court ordered Adriane Yamin, Ayrton Senna’s ex-girlfriend, to pay journalist Malu Magalhães the amount of R$ 11 thousand. The amount will have to be paid due to the imbroglio involving Adriane and Malu, who entered into a legal dispute over the book “Minha Garota”, released in 2019, which tells details of the relationship between Yamin and Senna. The information is from journalist Ancelmo Gois.

Malu Magalhães wrote the work after being contacted by Adriane, who hired the journalist to produce the book that reports in detail the relationship she had with the Brazilian idol, who died in an accident in May 1994, during the San Marino Formula 1 GP.

However, after the book was completed, Adriane Yamin did not pay Malu the full amount that had been agreed upon. The journalist received only part of the amount. The disagreement between the two ended up in court, and now the Special Civil Court of São Paulo has determined that Malu receives the R$ 11 thousand. In addition, the journalist was also recognized as the author of the book.

At the time the work was released, Malu Magalhães gave an interview to iG Esporte, explaining that she fulfilled the work for which she was hired to do, and that she hoped that Adriane would also fulfill what had been agreed.

“She (Adriane) sent me dozens of audios telling her story, telling her experiences, then told me to go to São Paulo, put me in a flat for ten days so I could interview family members, relatives who lived with the couple. The relatives also gave me audio, I worked like crazy, but really enjoying the work, in good faith that, just as I was doing my job well done, she would also fulfill hers”, vented Malu.

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