Video: Mysterious black ring appears in the sky and scares residents of Virginia, USA


in an interview with WAVY TV 10Reproduction/social networks

Residents of the city of Williamsburg, Virginia, in the United States, spotted a mysterious black ring floating in the sky.

The phenomenon was seen on August 13 around 11:00 am and, according to witnesses, disappeared soon after. The Fire Department told local media that it was not called.

Watch the video:

#WATCH : A mysterious ring of black smoke was spotted in the skies of Williamsburg, Virginia.#Williamsburg #Virginia #BlackSmoke #SmokeRing

— upuknews (@upuknews1) August 22, 2024

Possible causes

In an interview with WAVY TV 10, meteorologist Ricky Mathews said that the “black ring” could result from a pyrotechnic effect or incident involving fire, which would cause a column of smoke.

Steve Fundaro, also a meteorologist, hypothesized that the phenomenon is related to industrial processes, which could have produced the smoke ring.

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