SP registers 305 fires on Saturday and the month adds 10 times more fires than in 2023

Fires in SP take the state to the top of this week’s fire rankingReproduction/X

The state of São Paulo registered 305 fires this Saturday (24), according to data from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe). With this, the state has 3,480 fires, a number almost 10 times higher than that recorded in August 2023, when the state accumulated 352 fires.

Despite the increase in the incidence of fires for the month of August, the number recorded yesterday represents a drop of 83% compared to the 1,886 fires computed on Friday (23).

The total number of fires registered this Saturday is still high, when compared to the historical average of fires in the state: the number was the third highest computed in 24 hours this month, behind only Thursday and Friday.

Outbreaks per day in August in São Paulo

  • Day 19 – 24
  • Day 20 – 106
  • Day 21 – 82
  • Day 22 – 430
  • Day 23 – 1,886
  • Day 24 – 305

Civil Defense recommendations

The agency made a series of other recommendations to prevent the situation from worsening and to make the population aware of the danger of fires:

  • Fires can cause problems in the respiratory system and cardiovascular disorders, as they emit toxic gases that harm the environment and human health;
  • Do not burn to clear land or destroy garbage, always dispose of it in the indicated place;
  • Do not throw cigarettes or lit matches on the sides of highways;
  • The release of balloons, in addition to being a crime, can cause air accidents and fires;
  • Forest fires can cause disruption to public transportation, electricity distribution, and communication networks.

When you see suspicious smoke or fire outbreaks in the forest, the recommendation is to immediately inform the Fire Department by calling 193.

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