São João do Nordeste: artists refuse broadcasts and generate controversy


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O São João de Caruaru, one of the largest and most traditional June events in Brazil, found itself at the center of a controversy involving the refusal of some artists to allow live streaming of their shows. The attitude, which generated frustration among the public and ignited debates about the use of public money and respect for fans, called into question the future of broadcasts and the very essence of the party.

The refusal of bands such as Roupa Nova, singer Luan Santana and the duo Zé Neto and Cristiano to have their concerts broadcast generated incomprehension and revolt among many. For the public, the decision hurts the tradition of the event, which has always had its presentations broadcast, whether on the internet, TV or radio, democratizing access to culture and taking the joy of São João into homes in Pernambuco and other regions of the country.

Wagnner Sales and Thais Alamode, presenters of the main broadcast channel of the event, the CNF, which has already surpassed the mark of 70 million hits during the broadcast on youtube, ended the last weekend with a forceful speech against this attitude. “How long is an artist going to be bigger than São João de Caruaru? We were extremely offended by this kind of attitude. Not only me, but you at home as well. So many fans waiting, how long is an attraction going to be bigger than the culture of Pernambuco?”, emphasized Wagnner Sales. 

Financed with public resources and private companies, São João de Caruaru belongs to the people and its main objective is to celebrate culture and provide entertainment for all. When artists perform with public funds, they make a commitment to connect with the entire population, whether in person or through broadcasts.

Faced with the refusals, the city of Caruaru needs to rethink the contracts with the artists, including a clause that requires the release of the live broadcast of the shows. Such a measure, in addition to ensuring public access, would promote transparency and sound management of public resources.


According to information from the Black and White Portal, Luan Santana vetoed the team of cameramen in the region, responsible for the images on the screen, and used professionals brought by him. In addition, it did not allow live streaming of the party, or any recording, and also did not attend to the local press, which was covering the event.

The singer’s team also prohibited the circulation of communication professionals through the transition corridors, where press and digital media workers work daily, producing content about the event.

The artist, at the Petrolina airport, where many of his fans were waiting to receive him, demanded a police escort. At the party, he wasn’t even in his dressing room, going straight to the stage without justification, without attending to the fans, as usual. Notes In a statement sent to the press, the City Hall of Caruaru informed the following:

Broadcast of the Roupa Nova Show:

The band Roupa Nova did not authorize the live broadcast of its show to any media outlet. For those who follow the PrefTV rebroadcast, the official broadcast will start right after the end of the Roupa Nova show, scheduled to end at 9:15 pm. Please be advised that the group will not grant interviews to the press. Broadcast of Luan Santana’s Show:

The production of singer Luan Santana also did not release the live broadcast of his show.

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