50-year-old Olympic cyclist found dead in Las Vegas


Daniela Larreal was the biggest name in cycling in VenezuelaCRIS BOURONCLE/ AFP

Daniela Larreal Chirinos, a former cyclist from Venezuela, was found dead in the apartment where she lived in Las Vegas, in the United States, last Friday (16). According to information from the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, she did not show up at the hotel where she worked, and raised suspicion.

The initial investigation points out that she had been dead since August 11 and one of the suspicions is that she would have choked. The autopsy revealed the presence of remains of solid food in his trachea. The case, however, has not yet been finalized.

Born in Maracaibo, the Venezuelan capital  city of the state of Zulia, Daniela was considered the biggest cycling star in the country. She competed in the Olympics in Barcelona (1992), Atlanta (1996), Sydney (2000), Athens (2004) and London (2012), but never won a medal in such competitions. However, the former cyclist won two silver medals at the 2003 Pan American Games. She was 50 years old.

Larreal also won three gold medals and one silver medal at the 2002 Central American and Caribbean Games held in San Salvador, El Salvador. According to her social networks, she has a degree in Physical Education and Finance.

See below a photo gallery of former cyclist Daniela Larreal:

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