Fox attacks 3-year-old child in Pernambuco city; Watch the video


Foxes are native to the Caatinga, but do not have a habit of violence against humansReproduction

A three-year-old child was attacked by a fox in Pernambuco. The girl was playing in the street when the animal approached and bit one of her legs. She was rescued and is doing well. The fact happened around 5:40 pm, it had already darkened.

Two girls were playing on a street corner when the animal appeared. The fox observed both and attacked the younger, who initially fell. The older child ran out to call for help.

The animal started to go after the girl who was running, but gave up. The fox returned and attacked the little girl again, in the same place, while an adult man approached.

The man arrived and kicked the fox, which was thrown away and hit a gate without moving. The man also kicked the immobilized animal two more. It is not known if he died.

Emergency room

The Municipal Health Department said that the girl received help at the Emergency Care Unit of Rendeiras, in Caruaru. She was vaccinated and sent to the Mestre Vitalino Hospital for medication.

The fox

In a press release, the State Environment Agency (CPRH) investigates the case of retaliation against the fox. Although the case can be defined as necessity, the law instructs that escape is preferred to aggression.

The animal is common in the region and does not usually pose a danger to domestic animals or humans. The fox usually eats more insects and small birds. The attack was probably because she was frightened by the different environment.


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