USA: Kamala Harris opens lead in the polls after being made official as a candidate


Kamala Harris is the candidate of the Democratic PartyGage Skidmore / Flickr

This week’s US presidential election polls point to Democrat Kamala Harris just a few points ahead of Republican Donald Trump.

In the Morning Consult poll, for example, she has 48% of voting intentions, while Trump appears with 44%. The poll was conducted ahead of the Democratic National Convention, an important event for Kamala’s campaign. In all, 11,501 people were interviewed between August 16 and 18, and the margin of error is one percentage point.

The survey points out that Kamala is the favorite among young and black voters. She has 72% of black voting intentions and 50% of young people aged between 18 and 34. Trump, in turn, scored 21% and 40%, respectively.

The Democrat’s popularity has reached the highest level since the beginning of the campaign – 50% are in favor of Harris, while 45% are against. Trump, on the other hand, has negative approval by five percentage points.

Outward Intelligence

In this survey, Kamala appears with an advantage of almost 6 percentage points. She has 49.5% of voting intentions, while Trump scores 43.6%. In a runoff scenario between the two candidates, Kamala has 52% of intentions and Trump has 48%.

A total of 1,867 voters were interviewed between August 18 and 22. The margin of error is 2.3 percentage points.

Big Village

Among the participants who will vote, 46.2% want Kamala and 41.6% want Trump. The Big Village poll shows a drop of four percentage points for the Democrat, but she still maintains stability in relation to the last two polls.

Of those interviewed, almost half (45.9%) consider the “2025 Project” – a far-right package of measures that aims to reshape the American government and give more power to Trump if he is elected – bad.

YouGov/The Economist

Kamala is tied virtually, despite appearing ahead in the polls. The Democrat concentrates 46% of voting intentions, while Trump has 43%. The survey heard 1,371 people between August 17 and 20, and has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

According to The Economist survey, 63% of Americans believe that the United States is doing badly. The highest rates of people who think this way are among whites (67%) and Americans with incomes of up to $100,000 a year, that is, the middle and lower classes of the country (67%).

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