Learn how to remove the smell of dog pee


Learn how to remove the smell of dog peePhoto: Reproduction

If you have pet at home and want to prevent your house from getting that characteristic smell of dog urine, stay with us! We know that no matter how much you keep the hygiene of your home and the space where your dog goes potty up to date, the smell of your dog’s pee often ends up permeating the space, but don’t worry! We’ll help you put a stop to those bad smells.

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There are some good tips that can help you remove the smell of animal urine from your home without using chemical products, which can often end up doing harm to your dog! Stay with us to find out about some practical and inexpensive solutions.

How to get rid of dog pee smell

We’ve listed a few tips that can help you make the space where your dog goes potty and your whole house pee-free!

1. Clean immediately

Clean the area where your pet has peed quickly! Use a paper towel or absorbent cloth to soak up the excess urine.

2. White vinegar can be your ally

Replace chemical disinfectants and cleaning products with natural products like white vinegar! Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar, then apply the solution to the area where your dog has urinated, leave it on for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a clean cloth.

3. Baking soda

Another option to avoid using products that may be toxic to your dog, such as chemical disinfectants, baking soda can also work! Sprinkle the bicarbonate under the affected area and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. Then vacuum up the baking soda.

Learn how to put an end to the smell of dog pee by watching the content produced by the channel “ENSINADOG – Por Rovian Ramos”

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