Top 10 Potentially Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

Dogs are great companions and considered “man’s best friend”, but it is important to understand that each dog has its own personality and can show aggression in different circumstances. Although some breeds are predisposed to aggression, factors such as breeding and training directly influence this behavior. Find out more in the next photos!
A dog’s temperament is shaped by a combination of inherited traits (genetics) and environmental factors. Some breeds have been selectively bred to perform certain functions, such as guarding, herding, or hunting. Therefore, they have a strong intimate linked to these tarephas.
The way the animal is raised, trained, and socialized has a big impact on how they express these instincts. When breeding a dog of a potentially aggressive breed, the owner must provide adequate training and socialization to prevent aggression in any dog, regardless of breed. Get to know 10 of the most aggressive breeds in the next images!
1 – The Chihuahua is a little dog that shows that size is not a document. Because they are so small, they do not seem to be aggressive, but the breed can show various characteristics of aggression. They are very loyal and protective dogs, they can become aggressive to protect their territory or their owner.
2 – The Dachshund, or Shaggy, is a cute short-legged dog that was developed to be a hunting dog, so it can maintain traits of aggression. Another reason for aggression is their size, which smaller dogs may try to “compensate for with attitude.”
3 – The Chow Chow is a dog of Chinese origin, its fluffy and dense coat resembles a bear or even a lion. The breed was bred for functions such as hunting and herding, activities that require an assertive and dominant personality.
4 – The Akita, a dog of Japanese origin, is usually trained to act as a police and guard dog, so they acquire a protective personality. They are usually wary of strangers and may lash out when they sense a potential threat. The loyalty of the breed became famous with the story of the dog Hachiko, portrayed in the movie “Always by Your Side”.
5 – The American Pitbull Terrier, a breed that suffers from the reputation of being aggressive, is even banned in some cities in the United States. Pitbull dogs are hardy and determined, their temperament can lead to aggressive behavior. With correct training, they are very affectionate and affectionate dogs.
6 – The Cane Corso is a molossus-type dog of Italian origin, it is an excellent companion or guard dog. In its past, it was once used as a hunting dog due to its aggressive temperament. They are very affectionate with their owners, but may not react well to strangers.
7 – The Doberman is a dog of German origin, it is considered one of the most intelligent, determined and energetic guard dogs. They are widely used as police dogs and can be aggressive, especially towards strangers, if they are not trained properly.
8 – The German Shepherd, as its name suggests, is a dog of German origin used for herding and also very popular in the functions of assistance dog for the disabled and rescue, police work, among others. They are very protective dogs and command respect for their appearance. They can be aggressive if they don’t get proper training.
The Rottweiler was once used as a draft dog, pulling carts full of meat, and herding. They are loving and affectionate protective dogs, but they can also become aggressive without proper education.
10 – The Siberian Husky does not have a great reputation for being aggressive, but it can acquire this behavior due to boredom or anxiety. They are protective and territorial dogs, and can have a dominant behavior over other pets, so they must be well socialized from puppies.
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