Terms of use of the iG Portal

1. Acceptance of the Terms of Use by the User

1.1. In order to be able to freely use the content and services offered by the iG Portal, the User must first read carefully and express, unequivocally and unconditionally, their agreement with this Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, as well as the Specific Terms ( in the versions in which they are published), which can be done in the following ways: (i) through access and/or use, occasional or continued, of the iG Portal Services, with the moment of visit/access being understood by the iG Portal of that the User is aware of all Terms, accepting them; (ii) or through a click made using the computer mouse, to accept or agree with the respective Terms, when this option is made available and enabled by the iG Portal, depending on the Services.

1.2. On the other hand, certain iG Portal Services are subject to specific regulations (hereinafter, “Specific Term”), which, depending on the hypothesis, may replace, complete and/or amend this instrument.

1.3.Other notices and instructions published by the iG Portal must be understood as complements to this Terms of Use, and the User must, in the same way, observe and respect them fully.

1.4. Portal iG reserves the right to modify, delete and/or expand, freely and at any time, without prior communication, this Terms of Use.

1.5. However, it is up to the User to read the respective Terms of Use and Specific Terms every time they use and/or access the Portal and/or the iG Portal Services, and these Terms may be subject to change at any time.

1.6. In this way, it is established that access and/or use of the iG Portal Services by the User is not permitted, if the User does not fully accept, without any reservation, all the provisions of this Terms of Use. In this case, the User You must immediately cease accessing and/or using the Services offered by the iG Portal.

2. Access and Use of Services

2.1. The iG Portal offers its Services to Users free of charge, except for some Services offered by it and/or by third parties, which may be charged in accordance with the provisions of the Specific Terms.

2.2. Initially, to use the Services provided through the iG Portal, User registration and/or registration is not required (considered “Open Services”). However, the iG Portal also offers some Services where the User is required to sign up and/or register for their use (considered “Closed Services”).

2.3. To access the Closed Services, the User, when filling out the registration and/or registration forms, must provide information as part of the process. The User agrees and declares that this information provided is true and correct, and it is their responsibility to keep all information updated on the iG Portal. On the contrary, the User will be responsible for false or incorrect statements provided that cause damage or loss to the iG Portal or third parties.

2.4. If the User is a minor, in order to access and/or use the Services, they must obtain authorization from their parents, guardians or legal representative, in order to allow them to access and/or use the iG Portal Services, making be fully responsible for all acts carried out by the minor, as well as for the contents and services accessed and/or used by the minor.

2.5. The User, by this term, agrees and undertakes to use the Services correctly, only for the permitted purposes, in accordance with the provisions of this Terms of Use, the Specific Terms of certain Services, other notices and instructions prepared by the iG Portal, the legislation in force and with morals and good customs, as well as agreeing and committing in any capacity:

– not access, or even attempt to access, any Service or environment by any means other than through the interface provided by Portal iG, including through automated means, unless specially authorized under a contract signed by Portal iG;
– not participate in any process or activity that interferes or interrupts the functioning of the Services, Servers and even networks connected to the iG Portal Services;
– not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, commercialize or resell the iG Portal Services for any reason, unless specially authorized by virtue of a contract signed with the iG Portal;

2.6. However, the User agrees that he is solely responsible for any failure to comply with his commitments and obligations with regard to the Terms and for everything exposed above, acknowledging that the iG Portal has no responsibility towards him or any third party, the User being responsible for all consequences, such as loss, damage or harm that Portal iG and/or third parties may suffer, resulting from non-compliance.

3. User Privacy

3.1. All information regarding the protection of User privacy and the data protection practices adopted by Portal iG can be found in the Portal iG Privacy Policy. The User agrees to the data protection practices used, as well as the iG Portal Privacy Policy.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

4.1. The brands, commercial names or distinctive signs of any kind that are published on the iG Portal and by its partners, which are their sole and exclusive property. The simple use of the iG Portal, as well as its Services, does not grant the User any assignment, licensing, authorization or any other right to use any trademark.

4.2. All reproduction and representation rights are reserved to the iG Portal as well as the News Agencies and Image Banks when the content comes from the latter. All information reproduced on this website is protected by copyright and intellectual property held by Portal iG or by News Agencies and Image Banks when the content comes from the latter. Therefore, none of this information may be reproduced, modified, stored, re-disseminated, translated, commercially exploited or reused in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Portal iG or the News and Image Bank Agencies when the content comes from the latter.

5. Exclusion of Warranties and Liabilities

5.1. The User expressly agrees that the use and/or access to the iG Portal Services is at their sole and complete expense and risk, understanding that the Services are made available as is and according to availability, and the iG Portal does not guarantees that the use of the Services will meet the User’s requirements.

5.2. Continuity of Services – For strictly technical and operational reasons, the iG Portal cannot guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the iG Portal and its Services. On occasion, the iG Portal may warn in advance of interruptions in the functioning of the Portal and its Services, but it can never guarantee that the use of the Portal and its Services will be uninterrupted, punctual, safe and error-free, as well as that any defect existing in the Service or on the Portal will be corrected.

5.3. Infallibility – Portal iG also does not guarantee the use of the Portal and its Services to carry out any activity, nor its infallibility, as an illustration, that Users will be able to effectively use and access all Internet pages that are part of the iG Portal as well as those relating to its Services. In this way, the iG Portal is exempt from any and all liability for any losses, damages, and losses of any nature arising from the lack of availability and continuity of the functioning of the Portal and its Services, as well as the usefulness that Users may have attributed to any title to the iG Portal and its Services, and its fallibility.

5.4. Viruses – Portal iG does not guarantee the absence of viruses in the contents, in the services provided by third parties, or in other elements that may produce changes in the User’s computer system or in the stored electronic files/documents. In this way, Portal iG is exempt from any and all liability for any losses, damages and losses of any nature resulting from these events. Any downloaded file and/or electronic document is obtained at the User’s own discretion, at his/her own risk, being solely responsible for any damage to the computer system or loss of data due to downloading.

5.5. Contents – The iG Portal does not guarantee the legality, reliability, accuracy and usefulness of the Contents, as well as services provided by third parties through the Portal. Therefore, Portal iG is exempt from any and all liability for any losses, damages and losses of any nature arising from:

– non-compliance with the law, morals and good customs, as a consequence of transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to content;
– infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy, the image of people, property rights and rights of any and all nature belonging to a third party as a result transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to content;
– the lack of veracity, precision, accuracy, relevance and/or timeliness of the content;
– the inadequacy for whatever purpose, or the frustration, of the expectations generated by the content;
– non-compliance, delay in fulfillment, defective fulfillment or termination for any reason of obligations contracted by third parties and contracts entered into with third parties through or based on access to content;
– defects and defects of all types existing in the services provided by third parties through the Portal.

5.6. The iG Portal does not guarantee the veracity, accuracy and timeliness of the content published on the Portal, exempting itself from any and all liability for any losses, damages and losses of any nature resulting from the lack thereof.

5.7. Opinions and Comments – Portal iG, as well as its partners, are not responsible for the comments, opinions, information, testimonials, messages, videos, texts, images, audios or any other type of content that are posted, published and made available through the iG Portal (on its web pages and/or blogs), by columnists, bloggers and/or Users, with civil and criminal liability attributed solely and exclusively to the author of the comments, opinions, information, or messages. All content published by columnists, bloggers and/or Users is their sole responsibility and is completely independent, and any and all types of opinions, ideals and/or positions expressed do not necessarily reflect the point of view and position of the iG Portal and/or its partners. These contents are not checked, reviewed, or in any way endorsed by Portal iG and/or its partners. Portal iG reserves the right to store the information of these authors and/or Users, in order to enable their identification.

5.8. The iG Portal makes available to Users “links”, “banners”, buttons and search tools that allow the User to access Internet pages belonging to third parties (hereinafter, “External Pages”), all with the aim of facilitating the search for information from the User.

5.9. Search Tool – The results of the search tool are provided directly by third parties and are a consequence of the automatic functioning of technical mechanisms, which is why the iG Portal cannot, and does not, control such results. For this reason, and even though it is not its responsibility, the iG Portal warns that in such results Internet sites may appear whose content may be illicit, inappropriate, contrary to morals and good customs.

5.10. External Pages – Portal iG does not control the External Pages, therefore it does not guarantee, nor assumes any type of responsibility for any losses, damages and losses of any nature arising from: (i) the operation, availability, accessibility or continuity of these pages; (ii) maintenance of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on external pages; (iii) the provision or transmission of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on the linked sites; (iv) the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the Services, information, data, files, products, and any type of material on the External Pages.

5.11. Usage Control – The iG Portal does not control Users’ access and use of the Portal, the Services and the Contents, therefore the iG Portal does not guarantee that Users use the Portal, the Services and the Contents in accordance with the law, with this Terms of Use and the respective Specific Terms, with morals and good customs, even if they do so in a careful and prudent manner. Therefore, the iG Portal has no obligation to verify, and does not verify, the identity of Users, nor the veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the data that Users provide about themselves to other Users. In this way, Portal iG is exempt from any and all liability for any losses, damages and losses of any nature resulting from these hypotheses.

5.12. Personal Data – To access and/or use some Portal iG Services, the User must previously provide Portal iG with certain personal data that will be processed by automated means, all in accordance with the provisions of the Portal iG Privacy Policy.

5.13. Security – The iG Portal adopts the legally required levels of personal data protection security, always seeking to implement other means and additional technical protection measures. Regardless, the User must be aware that Internet security measures are not infallible.

5.14. “Cookies” – The iG Portal may use “cookies” when a User has access to the Portal’s pages and web pages. The “cookies” that can be used on the Portal’s web pages, are associated with a computer’s browser, so as not to provide references that allow the User’s name and surname to be informed. Due to “cookies”, it is possible for the iG Portal to recognize Users who have registered on a previous visit to the Portal’s web pages, which means they do not have to register on each new visit. It is important to highlight that the User has the possibility and complete freedom of configuring their browser to be notified, on the computer screen, about the reception of “cookies” and/or to prevent their installation on the hard drive. Information relevant to this configuration is available in the browser’s own manuals and instructions. To access and/or use the iG Portal, it is not necessary for the User to allow the reception of “cookies” sent by the iG Portal. In such a case, it will be necessary for the User to register each time they access a Service that previously requires registration. The “cookies” that are used on Portal iG’s web pages can be installed by Portal iG, which originate from different servers operated by it or from servers of third-party service providers.

5.15. WARNING – “Portal iG does not contact the winners of any promotion via text message, and does not authorize any person and/or representative to call its users and/or the general public, demanding the purchase of any product in exchange, or even requesting any security codes for cards and/or recharge coupons sold at commercial points. BEWARE OF FRAUD! Never provide your personal data in these cases. All promotional campaigns and/or cultural contests on the iG Portal are publicized only through the pages under the domain www.Portal iG.com”.

6. Suspension and Termination of Services

6.1. Portal iG reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the Portal and/or the Services, at any time, without the need for prior communication, on its own initiative or even at the request of a third party, of that User who fails to comply with this Terms of use.

6.2. Term – The duration of the iG Portal service provision is indefinite. However, Portal iG reserves the right to terminate, interrupt or suspend unilaterally and at any time, with prior communication being unnecessary, the provision of Portal services and/or any of the Services offered therein.

7. Applicable Law

7.1. This Term of Use is governed solely and exclusively by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and any judicial discussion that arises based on its interpretation or application must be judged by Brazilian courts, with the forum of the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, no matter how privileged another person is or may become.

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