iG Portal privacy policy

At iG we recognize the importance of privacy. This Policy applies to all products, services and websites offered by iG or its subsidiaries (together, iG “services”).
Various services will be offered that do not require the User to register for an account or provide us with any personal information. To provide a full range of services we may ask for the following types of information:

– Information that the User provides – When the user subscribes to an iG service or promotion that requires registration, we may ask for some personal information (such as name, date of birth, gender, CPF, ID, home and/or business address, email address and account password). We may combine the information sent by the User with information from other services offered by us in order to provide the User with a better experience and improve the quality of the products and services offered.

– Cookies – When the user visits the iG Portal, we may send one or more cookies, that is, a small file that contains a combination of characters which uniquely identifies your browser. We use cookies to improve the quality of our services by storing User preferences, as well as their trends. Most browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but the User can reconfigure the browser to refuse them or even to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some functions and services on the iG Portal may not work properly if your cookies are disabled.

– Files with information – When browsing the iG Portal, we will automatically record information that the User’s browser will send to him whenever he visits a website. These server files may include information such as your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.

– Communications with Users – When the User sends an email or other communications to iG, we retain such communications to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and improve our services. We may also share such information with Google and/or other partners, always observing the terms and conditions contained in the contracts signed with each of them and also observing the provisions of the item, Information Sharing below.

– Affiliate Sites – We offer some of our Services in connection with the services of other third parties. Users’ personal information sent to iG will be treated in accordance with this policy. The third parties mentioned here may have different privacy practices, so we encourage the User to read such third parties’ policies.

– Links – iG may present links in a format that allows us to track whether such links have been followed. We will use this information to improve the quality of our search technology, personalized content and advertising.

– Other websites – This Privacy Policy applies to websites and Services that are owned and operated by iG. We do not exercise control over the information and services made available by third parties, such as search results or third-party links on the iG Portal, so such third parties may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or request information User’s personal information.

We only process personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Additionally, such purposes include:

– Provide our products and services to users, including the display of personalized content and advertisements;

– Audit, research and analysis to maintain, protect and improve our services;

– Ensure the technical functioning of our network;

Information Sharing
Without prejudice to the other provisions contained in this document, and also those established in the specific contract to be signed as a result of contracting each specific service, iG will only share User information with third parties, in the following circumstances:

– The User has given his consent. We require optional consent to share any personal information.

– We provide such information to our subsidiaries, affiliates or other trusted third parties who need to process such information on our behalf. We require that these parties process such information based on our instructions and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any other security and confidentiality measures.

– We have a good faith belief that monitoring, access, use, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, (b) enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, (c) detect, prevent or otherwise address technical, fraud or security issues, or (d) protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of iG, Google, its Users or Internet users in general, as required or permitted by law.

– If iG is involved in mergers, acquisitions or any form of sale of part or all of its assets that include personal information.

We may share with third parties certain aggregated and non-personal information, such as the number of Users who searched for a certain term, for example, or how many Users clicked on a certain advertisement or, in general, information that does not identify the User individually.

Whenever there is any judicial or administrative request, we will provide all User data requested by the authority.

Information security

We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. This includes internal reviews of our data collection, storage, processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.

We restrict access to personal information to those of our employees, contractors and agents who need to know such information to operate, develop or improve our services. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and legal proceedings for failure to comply with such obligations.

Data integrity

iG processes personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected in accordance with this Policy. We review our data processing, storage and collection practices to ensure that we only process, store and collect personal information necessary to provide or improve our services. We take reasonable and optional measures to ensure that the personal information we process is accurate, complete and up-to-date, but we depend on our Users to update and correct their personal information whenever necessary, and Users are obliged to provide true, current and correct information.

Accessing and updating personal information

When the USER uses the iG Services, they will have access to their personal information and we will correct this data – if it is not correct and delete it at your request if it should not be kept by law for legitimate business purposes. We ask individual Users to identify themselves, and the requested information to be accessed, corrected or removed before processing such requests, and we may refuse to process requests that are very repetitive or systematic, that require excessive technical effort, that harm the privacy of third parties or otherwise are not practical (e.g., requests regarding information contained on backup tapes), or for which access is not otherwise required. In any case in which we provide access and correction of information, we perform this service free of charge, except when this requires excessive effort. Some of our services have different procedures for accessing, correcting or deleting users’ personal information. We provide details of such procedures in specific privacy notices or FAQs for such services.

Information Sharing

Some sections of the Home Page are provided by third parties who need to receive and process your requests and preference settings for that section in order to provide their services. In some cases, other information that includes one or more of your cookies may also be technically available to third parties, although third parties are contractually prohibited from accessing your cookies or other information unrelated to the section they provide. We will inform you when the user adds one of these sections to their page. The use of your information by such third parties is not governed by this Privacy Policy.

We may share general statistics about Home Page usage with our business partners. We will not share personally identifiable information with such partners or any third parties, except in certain limited circumstances described in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to this policy

The user should note that this Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time, so the user is obliged to periodically monitor the content of the IG Privacy Policy, and will automatically accept all changes, regardless of prior communication. We will not post any changes to this Policy on this page and, if the changes are significant, we may send a communication to the email address registered by the user. Each version of this policy will be identified at the top of the page by its effective date, and we will also keep previous versions of this Privacy Policy on file for your review. The user’s silence and/or continued use of the services will imply express acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy and its subsequent amendments.


When you browse our websites or use our mobile applications and when you enter your email address into such applications (whether to log in or sign up for newsletters or the like), we may share personal information or other information that we collect from you. you, such as your email address (in pseudonymous or hashed form), IP address, your mobile advertising identity or information about your browser or operating system with our partner LiveRamp, Inc. and companies in its economic group, acting as joint controllers. LiveRamp uses this information to create an online identification code for the purpose of recognizing you on your devices. This code does not contain any personally identifiable information about you and will not be used by LiveRamp to re-identify you. We place this code in our own cookies or use a LiveRamp cookie and allow it to be used for online advertising and cross-channel advertising. This code may be shared with our advertising partners and other third-party advertising companies around the world for the purpose of enabling interest-based content or targeted advertising in your online experience (e.g. on the web, email, connected devices, in applications, etc.). These third parties may, in turn, use this code to link to demographic or interest-based information that you have provided in your interactions with them. Detailed information about LiveRamp’s personal data processing activities is available in LiveRamp’s privacy policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent or opt out of the processing of your personal data at any time by sending an email to privacy.br@liveramp.com

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