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Lula sends message to Milei: “You have to apologize to Brazil and to me”

Lula demanded an apology from the Argentine presidentabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/Agência Brasil – 23/04/2023

President Lula (PT) said, on Wednesday (26), that the Argentine president Javier Milei “has to apologize to Brazil” and to him for having spoken “a lot of nonsense”

Lula demanded the apology after being questioned, during an interview with Uol, about the fugitives of 8/1 who ask for asylum in the neighboring country. However, he did not detail the “nonsense” said by Milei, which would be the reason why the meeting between the two has not yet happened, according to the PT member.

“We are dealing with it in the most diplomatic way possible. I haven’t talked to the president of Argentina because I think he has to apologize to Brazil and to me. He said a lot of nonsense, I just want him to apologize,” Lula said.

According to the PT, Milei tries to create an unnecessary rivalry between the two countries.

“It is not a president of the Republic who is going to create a rift between Brazil and Argentina. The Argentine people and the Brazilian people are bigger than the presidents. They want to live well, to live in peace. If the President of the Republic of Argentina governs Argentina, it is already a good size. It doesn’t try to rule the world,” the president said.

Lula said he was in favor of the arrest of fugitives, regardless of the country where they are. The Argentine Foreign Minister, Diana Mordino, sent to the Foreign Ministry a list with the names of 60 fugitives investigated or convicted for the coup acts of 8/1.

“You have a part already condemned. Both my Minister Lewandowski (Justice) and Andrei (Rodrigues, Director-General) of the Federal Police, plus Mauro Vieira of Itamaraty, are discussing this part to see the following: if these guys don’t want to come, let them be arrested there. And get stuck in Argentina. If not, come here,” he said.

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