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Alien? Group Catches UFO Flying Over Arena After Show: ‘There’s No Doubt’

Employees report sighting UFO after country showReproduction / YouTube

A group of employees at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado, USA, said they caught a UFO (unidentified flying object) in the state’s sky this month, the National UFO Reporting Center reported. The unusual apparition was seen by 12 people, according to the report.

According to reports, they were cleaning the site around 1 a.m. on June 5, after a concert by a country singer, when they spotted a dark metallic disc in the sky.

“One of our co-workers suddenly said to us, ‘Hey, what’s that? It looks like a spaceship,'” one of them told the National UFO Reporting Center on condition of anonymity.

“We all turned to look in the direction he was pointing and sure enough there was a UFO hovering about a mile north of Red Rocks,” he continued “A dozen of us saw it. We were all asking each other, ‘Do you see this too?’ It was a resounding ‘yes’ from everyone in the group.”

According to the witness, the UFO flew over some trees for about 30 seconds until it simply “disappeared into thin air.”

In the report, the official wrote that the craft was disk-shaped and had three levels of windows, as if it were a three-story building, and was illuminated by lights.

Apart from the way it “disappeared”, what scared the people of the place the most was that the ship was completely silent.

“What’s even crazier is that as soon as we all started noticing and stopped what we were doing to pay attention, the craft tilted at an angle and slowly started moving towards the east. Then she began to fade until she was invisible. She didn’t go far. It just dissolved. We all watched her disappear,” he said.

The witness denied that she and her 11 co-workers mistook the object for a satellite or drone. “There was no question what that was.”

This year, according to the institute’s data, there have been 3,320 UFO reports in Colorado alone. The state earned the 12th position among those with the most reports in the country, according to the National UFO Reporting Center.

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