Bride who excluded relatives from the wedding reveals fight: ‘I’m not going to give a stage’

Bride who excluded relatives from marriage reveals fight: ‘I’m not going to give a stage to these people’Reproduction

Call center agent Lara Cristina went viral recently when she got married and did not call her relatives, resulting in a confusion in the family’s WhatsApp group. In an interview, the woman told the outcome of the fight and revealed that she had to block one of them.

The controversial ceremony took place last Saturday (10) and was held in an intimate way, for only 50 guests of her and her fiancé Miguel Henrique. Therefore, some family members were left off the list.

The day after the wedding, Lara Cristina received several audios from the excluded family members angry for not being called. Finding the confusion funny, the woman decided to share the messages on TikTok, where the publication has already collected more than 2 million views. 

Outcome of the confusion

To g1 Goiás, she said that she had to block one of the angry family members. “It was just the unwelcome of the audios because she kept sending messages and even called me,” reported Lara.

Not wanting to prolong the confusion, in an attempt to preserve her father, who has a problem with high blood pressure, the woman declared: “I [will] not give these people a stage anymore.”

Lara revealed that the family members know the reason why they were not invited to the wedding and joked that she would like to be able to choose the relatives. “They were more concerned with the party than with celebrating our happiness,” he said.

Bride does not invite relatives to wedding and audios of the revolt go viral on the internet.

Credits: Social Networks

— Jornal O Dia (@jornalodia) August 14, 2024

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