Emiliano Díaz celebrates qualification, but is disappointed with Vasco’s performance against Água Santa

Emiliano Díaz celebrates qualification, but is disappointed with Vasco’s performance against Água SantaPhoto: Daniel Ramalho /VASCO

In a thrilling encounter at São Januário, Vasco beat Água Santa on penalties to advance to the third round of the Copa do Brasil. Emiliano praised the first half but saw the team change completely after taking an early 2-0 lead.

+ https://esportenewsmundo.com.br/heroi-nos-penaltis-leo-jardim-elogiou-a-resiliencia-do-vasco-na-copa-do-brasil/

– We played our best 45 minutes since we arrived at Vasco. In the second half, we played a game that we didn’t have to play, with counter-attacks. I didn’t like anything about the second half. We have to keep improving. Continue with the first half and improve. – He said.

The Argentine duo who lead the Gigante da Colina were restrained when it came to celebrating the victory. Ramón and Emiliano Díaz didn’t do much celebrating, as is customary with the new Vasco management.

– The team has been working for seven months and reaches a level that we like and work towards, but then we do a totally different second half. We don’t like it. We have to play that first half for the full 90 minutes. As coaches, we’re not happy. In another Vasco, with another mentality, we could celebrate like this. But we don’t like winning like this. We did a lot to win in another way. – He explained.

+ https://esportenewsmundo.com.br/autor-de-gol-salvador-lucas-piton-analisa-classificacao-do-vasco/

Criticizing the players’ performance after the break, the assistant stressed in the press conference that he expects Vasco to be constant throughout the 90 minutes. Even so, he praised the final result.

– After the game, we will always have things to analyze and improve. The legacy of this game is that we have to play the way we believe in, the way we did in the first half. And maintain that form for the full 90 minutes. Once again, despite a terrible second half, the team reacted. I’m upset, but not that upset because we have to appreciate the strength of this group, even though I didn’t like the second half at all. –

+ To find out everything about Vasco, follow Sport News Mundo on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

When asked about the penalties, Díaz revealed that he didn’t watch the shootout but believes that Cruz-Maltino shouldn’t have taken the game to an alternate penalty shootout.

– I don’t like watching penalties, I never watch them. The team has the personality to suffer and react when we do. We want to change that because we deserved to go through differently. We played a perfect 45 minutes. So I think we should continue along that path. – He concluded.

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