Mother and son who killed elderly people turn themselves in: see chronology of the case

From left to right, Inês Gemilaki (mother) and Bruno Gemilaki Dal Poz (son)Disclosure – 22/04/2024

The Civil Police preventively arrested, on Tuesday (23), a mother and son investigated for invading a residence and killing two elderly people in Peixoto de Azevedo (MT), in the interior of Mato Grosso. Cattle rancher Inês Gemilaki, 48, and doctor Bruno Gemilaki, 28,  turned themselves in to the corporation’s agents.

The crime, according to police investigations, was motivated by a disagreement involving a court case over a rental agreement for the invaded house.

“The suspect rented that property from the owner and, when she left the residence, she left some debts, which generated a lawsuit, and from there, several discussions and disagreements between them, which ended up resulting in this barbaric crime,” police chief Anna Marien told G1.

Check out the chronology of the case:

April 21: Inês files a police report

The cattle rancher went to a police station in Peixoto de Azevedo on Sunday morning (21), to file a police report, under the justification that she was being threatened by family members of the victims because of a lawsuit related to a rental contract.

Ines said in the complaint that three men broke into her home in search of her on Saturday. When she wasn’t, the men allegedly threatened her son and her husband, stating that she “was indebted” to them.

She also claimed that she had received intimidating messages on her mobile phone about collecting a debt, which she claimed she did not have.


on the 21st, Ines and Bruno invaded the house armed and shot at the people who were in the place, where a fraternization was taking place. The elderly Pilson Pereira da Silva, 69, and Rui Luiz Bogo, 81, died. In addition, a priest who was present was injured.

Security cameras recorded the moment the mother and son arrived at the residence. Inês entered shooting with a pistol, while Bruno went to the backyard, where he fired a 12-gauge shotgun.

The cameras also recorded the pair fleeing with the firearms.


after the crime, a mother and son were spotted at a convenience store in the city of Matupá, 13 km from the scene of the incident. Ines and Bruno bought beer, water, and soft drinks.

In an interview with G1, an employee stated that there was another person with the pair, driving the car. In addition, the cattle rancher showed that she was distressed and in a hurry.

April 23: husband and brother-in-law are arrested

Two days after the crime, on Tuesday (23), Marcio Ferreira Gonçalves and his brother, Eder Gonçalves Rodrigues – Ines’ husband and brother-in-law – were arrested.

Marcio was caught red-handed by the Civil Police in Alta Floresta, 800 km from Cuiabá. He was already being sought by agents after appearing in one of the shoots at the raided residence on Sunday.

With the convenience clerk’s account, the police found that he helped his wife and stepson escape after the crime.

Eder , on the other hand, confessed to participating in the crime and was subsequently arrested.

April 23: Mother and son turn themselves in

Inês and Bruno turned themselves in to police in Peixoto de Azevedo on Tuesday afternoon.

The family’s lawyer contacted the Civil Police agents to inform them that the clients intended to turn themselves in and ask for accompaniment to their farm, where they were hiding.

According to police, the arrest warrants against the mother and son were served on the property. However, the firearms and the car used by them on the day of the crime have not been located.

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