Crocodile becomes food for residents after scaring community

Animal was shot dead in AustraliaReproduction

One crocodile Bulla, Australia, was captured and killed by local residents, according to information from the Northern Territory Police Force. The death occurred last Tuesday (11). The reptile even became food for the local population.

After the floods that occurred earlier in the year in the region, the crocodile was spotted moving along the Baines River. Reports indicate that he was chasing people, as well as attacking the dogs of the Bulla community.

After discussions between local owners and community members and the Parks and Wildlife Department, the crocodile was shot dead. The slaughter of the animal was deemed necessary to prevent it from continuing to pose a significant risk to the community.

“The animal was later transported to Bulla, where the community prepared it for a banquet in the traditional way,” the Northern Territory Police Force said in a statement, according to O Globo newspaper.

Sgt. Andrew McBride told ABC that “a crocodile tail soup” was made, as well as a barbecue after the animal’s death. Some pieces of the crocodile were even wrapped in banana leaves when being prepared.

“It was quite a big traditional party and there were some full bellies,” McBride told the Australian newspaper.

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